Following are highlights of our event.  To see actual videos and presentations in our Forum Library, you must login as a CCFS Member.


More than a Campus Fire Safety Forum – it’s Family!

When we get together at the CCFS Forum it’s more like family coming together.  We bring our problems from campus and trade solutions to help each other.  When we talk, network, learn from each other's experience, learn from industry experts, or just relax and share great food with other members – we create a bond that will last beyond a career.  We come away with ideas, we are updated on new technology and codes from exhibitors and experts, and we come away realizing that many of us share the same issues on campus ... that's the bond ... we are all part of the same family with the passion and dedication to save lives.

And a big “Thanks” to our Forum Sponsors, Johnson Controls, FM Global, Siemens, City Fire Equipment, Keltron, The New Jersey College & University Fire Safety Professionals Association, and the teams from Montclair and Rutgers for their involvement this year.

 Fall In-Person Forum - New Brunswick, NJ - November 1 - 3 


Join us as we celebrate Triumph over Tragedy and look back "After the Fire".  This is a very special Campus Fire Forum, recognizing the Seton Hall victims,  the courage of the Seton Hall survivors, and also the progression of campus fire safety education, codes and standards over the last two + decades. While 2020 marked the 20th anniversary of the fire at Seton Hall, due to the worldwide pandemic, CCFS will recognize the courage and strength that came out of this tragedy in 2022.  Join us as we "Look back and forward to the Future".  

Hosted by the New Jersey College and University Fire Safety Professionals Association.

What do people say about our forum?

Fire Safety Officer, Nathaniel Smith, Catholic University 

"CCFS is one of the most effective advocates for College and University (Fire) Safety in the country. Professional engineers, technicians, educators, builders, students, law enforcement, fire services, associated companies, and businesses from nearly every industry will be in attendance this fall at the CCFS Campus Fire Forum 2022. The group also includes special interests for those affected by various disabilities along with student-empowered focus groups for Fire Safety Engineering. Keynote Forum speakers Al LLanos and Shawn Simons from After the Fire (ATF) will also be at Catholic University in mid-October. I urge you to take advantage of the resources available through partnering with CCFS. I hope to see you at the 2022 Campus fire Forum, October 31 - November 3." Nate Smith, Catholic University, OSHS l Fire Safety Officer l Environmental Health Safety and Risk Management 
Sr. Editor:  Jesse Roman, NFPA 


(On January 19, 2000, Shawn Simons and Alvaro Llanos, then 18- year- old freshman roommates at Seton Hall University, were severely burned when the residence hall they lived in caught fire. The blaze, one of the worst at a college campus in US history, killed three students and injured more than 50 others. Shawn and Alvaro now travel the country speaking to students and responders about their journey. Today on the podcast, we chat with them about the Seton Hall fire, their grueling recovery, and what parents, students, and first responders need to know as students return to campuses this month.)

Jesse Roman, Senior ... Editor at NFPA Journal, interviews Shawn Simons and Alvaro Llanos.  They share their story of the Seton Hall fire, in honor of Campus Fire Safety Month.  Join us in person at Campus Fire Forum in New Jersey as we celebrate Triumph over Tragedy and look back "After the Fire".  This is a very special Campus Fire Forum, recognizing the Seton Hall victims,  the courage of the Seton Hall survivors, and also the progression of campus fire safety education, codes and standards over the last two + decades. Podcast with Shawn and Al | All NFPA Podcasts  


Special Keynote Session with Shawn Simons and Alvaro Llanos, After The Fire.

Discussion panel includes: After the Fire - Panelists: Tommy Pugliese, Burn Survivor & Best Friend of Frank Caltabilota (deceased student), Joe and Candy Karol - Parents of Aaron Karol (deceased student), Robin Fisher, author "After the Fire", Chief Jeff Markey, (retired  South Orange FD) , Rev Dr. Dana Christmas (survivor). Moderators and panelists:  Shawn Simons and Alvaro Llanas


Schedule by day:

  • November 1, Forum starts at 8 AM with Breakfast, Classes & Exhibit throughout the day.  Evening Networking Reception with Exhibitors
  • November 2, Forum starts at 8 AM with Breakfast, Classes & Exhibit.  Exhibit ends at 3PM, Classes at 5PM.  Evening Bus Trip to the 911 Memorial for Attendees and Exhibitors welcome.
  • November 3, Forum starts at 8AM with Breakfast, ends approximately 3PM.  Member Lunch and Annual Town Meeting.  All are welcome.

Conference meals include:  Breakfast, Lunch, all day breaks, and 2 or 3 Networking Receptions.


Jim Gibbs is the CCFS Business Development Manager, retired Fire Marshal from Arizona State University, and current Fire Marshal for Woodburn Fire District. Stop by and Speak with Jim – he’ll have an area by our registration desk. [ MORE

PRESIDENT’S RECEPTION – TWO NIGHTS - Thanks to Johnson Controls Inc. 

Tuesday, November 1, from 5:30 – 7:30PM – Networking Night. 
Food and Beverage Reception in the Exhibit Hall and Registration Area (Livingston Ballroom).
Wednesday, November 2, from 5PM (approx.) to 10 PM – Visit 9-11 Memorial, NYC
Johnson Controls has arranged for buses to take attendees and exhibitors directly to the 9-11 memorial.  They will provide a box-lunch on the bus and non-alcoholic beverage.  While you are allowed to bring your own drinks on the bus, we ask that you limit to beer or wine and only two per person.  JCI is also providing illuminated wristbands so you can hop back on the bus when you want – and maybe even recognize each other as you walk around NY City. [ MORE


Additional Sessions will include:

  • Opening Session includes Mr. Rich Mikutsky, Director / State Fire Marshal, N.J. Division of Fire Safety and Kenneth Cop, Executive Director Public Safety/Chief of University Police, Rutgers. 
  • A Look Back at Dormitory Fire Safety Research, Daniel Madrzykowski, Fire Safety Research Institute, ULMORE

  • Twenty Plus Years of Tragedy and Triumph, Tim Knisely, Training Manager, AFAA,MORE

  • Industry Trends and Code Changes for the Future, Rodger Reiswig, SET, PMSFPE, Fellow & VP, Industry Relations, Global, Fire Detection Products, Johnson Controls [ MORE

  • Fire Alarm System Replacement Considerations, Larry D. Rietz, SET, Global Service Line Leader, Fire Detection & Alarm, Jensen Hughes, Inc. [MORE

  • Performing Hot Work Procedures in University Settings, Nate Smith, CU [ MORE

  • Carbon Monoxide Detection: Frequent Questions and Code & Standards Updates, Richard Roberts, Honeywell [ MORE

  • Reducing commercial fire alarm responses by understanding the relationship between Supervising Station Fire Alarm System Types and fire service data, Todd M Iaeger, UL Solutions and John Oates, International Public Safety Data Institute [ MORE

  • Be Fire Smart ™, by Sandy Mills-Alford, CEO, AliveTek, and Chief Ferrara and John Keane, Montclair State University [ MORE

  • Sneak Peek into the 2024 I-Codes and Looking to the Future, Beth Tubbs, PE, FSFPE, Senior Staff Engineer ICC Codes and Standards Development [ MORE

  • Remote Access, Fire Alarm Systems & the Cloud- Guidelines for Successful Design & Application, Maria Marks, Siemens [ MORE
  • Formalizing Your Fire Safety Program – Preparing the Next Generation of Fire Safety Professionals, James Rainer and David Zeiger, Texas A&M [ MORE

Group Discussion Panels

  • Triumph over Tragedy Panel - Keynote Session 

After the Fire - Panelists: Tommy Pugliese, Burn Survivor & Best Friend of Frank Caltabilota (deceased student), Joe and Candy Karol - Parents of Aaron Karol (deceased student), Robin Fisher, author "After the Fire", Chief Jeff Markey, (retired  South Orange FD) , Rev Dr. Dana Christmas (survivor).
Moderators and panelists:  Shawn Simons and Alvaro Llanas

  • We've Come a Long Way Panels - panels discussion the past, present and hope for the future.

1) Technology & Code Changes [ MORE
2) Fire Safety on and off campus [ MORE
3) Legislation/enhancements/changes [ MORE
4) Fire Safety for Students with Disabilities [ MORE

Group Meetings

1) Town Hall Meeting
2) Annual Member Meeting - all invited
If you're not in our database, click this area to join the mailing list.  We'll keep you advised of Forum Planning.



  • After the Fire
    (Shawn & Al)
  • Amerex
  • Associated Fire Protection
  • Autocall
  • Campus Optics
  • Denlar Fire Protection
  • Edwards
  • Honeywell
  • Johnson Controls
  • Justice Fire Safety Foundation
  • Keltron 
  • Kidde Engineered Systems
  • Knox 
  • Lauren Gibbs, Fire Safety Advocate
  • Mircom Group of Companies
  • National Fire Sprinkler Association (NFSA)
  • New Jersey College & University Fire Safety Professionals Association
  • Pioneering Technology
  • PreventZone by AliveTek
  • Safe Awake
  • Siemens
  • UL Solutions
  • U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission
  • Victaulic 




The Heldrich Hotel & Conference Center
10 Livingston Avenue,
New Brunswick, NJ 08901 (732) 729-4670

And ... what a great hotel and location! We're in a college community near Rutgers University!

Cost Shown as Per Room/Per Night (excludes tax and and parking charges)




SPONSORSHIP:  Sponsor part of our forum ...

If the Higher Education Campus Community is part of your target market, you might want to join us as we “Look back and forward to the Future” by sponsoring an event during the Forum.  It's a great way to make attendees aware of what you have to offer.  Sponsorship donations are tax deductible.

Sponsors to date include:





Additional Opportunities are still available -

Contact Cathy Tabor for info (


Lunch with Exhibitors .... (SIEMENS)  Reserved

NJ Welcome Reception (City Fire and New Jersey College
and University Fire Safety Professionals Association)


Networking or President’s Reception  ... (JOHNSON CONTROLS)


Dinner on the Bus  (JOHNSON CONTROLS)


Bus Ride to 911 Memorial  ... (JOHNSON CONTROLS)


For more information Download our Forum Sponsor Brochure and contact | Voice: 978.961.0410 


  • The Heldrich Hotel is located within the Rutgers Campus Area. 
  • Flying?  The easiest is to fly into Newark Airport, then consider a train or auto. 
  • Train?  Depending upon your location, Amtrak goes into Rutger (New Brunswick/Amtrak) Train Station.  Once in New Brunswick, The Heldrich Hotel is a 6 minute walk or can be a $10. Uber. 
CLICK for ways to get to Rutgers from Newark Airport.