Richard Roberts
Senior Industry Affairs Manager at Honeywell Security and Fire with over 35 years in the fire alarm and life safety markets. His experience spans the installation, sales, and the development of products/systems.
Currently, Mr. Roberts is:
- A member of seventeen NFPA Technical Committees
- A member of several ICC Fire Code Action Committee (FCAC) Working Groups
- A member of two Underwriters Laboratories (UL) Standards Technical Panel (STP).
He serves:
- On the Board of Directors for the Fire and Life Safety Section (FLSS) of the International Association of Fire Chiefs (IAFC)
- Safer Buildings Coalition (SBC)
- Center for Campus Fire Safety (CCFS)
Mr. Roberts is the Chair of NEMA’s Building Codes Committee as well as a member of the Model Codes Committee of the National Association of State Fire Marshals (NASFM), Chair of the U.S. TAG to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) TC 21/SC 3 (Fire Detection and Alarm Systems), and Chair of the Safer Buildings Coalition (SBC) codes & standards (C&S) committee.
Three Joint Webinars Featuring.... Richard Roberts
Presented by: NIFAD, CCFS and Honeywell
Choose 1, 2 or all 3
April 24, 2025, 1 PM EDT
Fuel-Gas Explosions – What’s Being Done to Address the Problem?
An informative presentation that explains why gas explosions are becoming more frequent and what is being done to reduce the risk of being injured or dying. The presentation provides numerous examples of noteworthy incidents and recommendations from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), review what NFPA and other codes & standards development organizations are doing to protect the public and emergency responders.
Presentation Agenda:
- The Need for Fuel-Gas Detection
- State and Local Legislation
- NTSB Report
- NFPA 715 Inception
- NFPA 715 2023 Edition Overview
- NFPA 715 2026 Edition Sneak Peak
- Model Codes
- Applicable Product Listing Standards
- Product Availability
ICC CEU Course: Coming Soon
September 24, 2025, 1 PM EDT
Summary of Changes to the 2022 Edition of the NFPA 72® National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code.
An informative and unbiased presentation covering key changes to the 2022 edition of the NFPA 72® National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code as well as providing the reasons for the changes and how they will impact public life safety.
Attendees will learn about the new requirements for batteries, abandoned fire alarm equipment, carbon monoxide detection, low frequency audible alarm signal, remote access to systems, wireless pathways and supervising stations.
ICC CEU Course: Coming Soon
November 19, 2025, 1 PM EDT
An informative presentation that provides an overview of the Alarm Transmission Ecosystem as well as providing information as to why changes are being made that will enhance public life safety. This discussion is important because the technologies for transmitting alarm, trouble, and supervisory signals from the protected premises to the fire department is changing rapidly. Several of the legacy technologies are becoming or are obsolete.
Attendees will learn the history of U.S. Alarm Transmission Ecosystem, Issues with Legacy Alarm Transmission Technologies, 3G Sunset, FCC Mandate for POTS, Alarm Transmission Requirements in the 2022 edition of NFPA 72®
ICC CEU Course: Coming Soon